“There’s a thread you follow…”

-William Stafford

Michael Gay, M.A.

I am a licensedtherapist in private practice in Boulder, Colorado offering individual counseling and in-depth group work. I also lead and co-lead workshops and retreats around the country using experiential, expressive, and somatic approaches to inner work. Explore Podcasts I’ve done on these topics HERE.

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I see individuals, couples, and families in a professional office located in central Boulder, Colorado. I also offer in depth group work heavily based on somatic approaches to healing.


Men’s Work

I co-lead deep dive weekends with groups of men around the country with a number of organizations and other extraordinary teachers. Also explore various Interviews and Podcasts I’ve done with leaders in the field.



I collaborate with a variety of high-level teachers and organizations to provide life changing experiences for various groups across the country. See what’s coming up.

"Thus I would wish to emphasize that our 'normal' adjusted' state is too often the abdication of ecstasy, the betrayal of our true potentialities, that many of us are only too successful in acquiring a false self to adapt to false realities." -R.D. Laing